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Mount Logan Middle School

Proud Members of #TEAMLogan

Responsible Use Agreement

Responsible Use Agreement for MLMS Students

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All use of electronic devices shall be consistent with the goals of the Logan City School District in promoting educational excellence. This Responsible Use Agreement describes the expectations for Mount Logan Middle School (MLMS) students for all use of electronic devices on campus, district provided or privately own. Along with this Responsible Use Agreement, student and parents should also be familiar with the Electronic Device Policy adopted by the Logan City School District Board of Education. The Electronic Device Policy may be accessed on the school district website at

Being Responsible with an Electronic Device

  1. I will always supervise electronic device(s) I am allowed to use, and when I am not using a laptop or other mobile device, it will be stored in a secure locking and charging cart in the classroom or lab.
  2. I will use care when carrying electronic devices because I understand they are vulnerable to damage if dropped, thrown, smashed, crushed etc.
  3. I will not apply any permanent marks, decorations, or modifications to an electronic device provided by MLMS.
  4. I will keep any/all identifying barcodes on all electronic device(s).
  5. I will only use the electronic device or workstation assigned to me, unless directed otherwise by a teacher or other staff member.
  6. I will report any damage or malfunction immediately. I will not attempt to repair an electronic device or gain access to the internal electronics.
  7. I will report the loss or theft of an electronic device immediately.
  8. I will not expose an electronic device to water (liquid) or excessive heat (like a hot window) or other environment that can damage the battery or electronics.
  9. I understand that if I can identify a security problem on my electronic device, I will show the device to my teacher and not demonstrate the problem to other users.
  10. I will keep my account and password confidential.
  11. I will not use another individual's account. I will only use accounts set up by the school district and my own, personal account(s).
  12. I will follow school rules for electronic devices even if I am using a personal device.
  13. I will not use an electronic device(s) to access, submit, post, publish, or display any defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, racially offensive, harassing, or illegal material.

Being Safe with an Electronic Device

  1. I will only access student-safe and educationally appropriate applications or websites as instructed in my electronic device use training.
  2. I will only connect with groups, online forums and wikis, blogs, webpages, subject area experts, other schools, etc. after getting permission from parents and teachers and while being supervised by them.
  3. Even with filters in place, my parent or guardian will monitor my use of an electronic device outside of the school environment in order to protect me from potentially dangerous or inappropriate content.
  4. I will follow the policies of the Logan City School District, the guidelines outlined by my school and classroom teachers, and this Responsible Use Agreement at all times.

Being Productive with an Electronic Device

  1. I will make sure electronic devices are put away correctly so they are fully charged and ready to use the next day.
  2. During instructional time I will only access and utilize applications or websites to which I am directed or instructed either by my teacher or as required by my assignments.
  3. I will preserve memory on electronic devices so all users can download, access, and create any educational applications or files required by my teachers. I will use the server storage provided by the school district or bring my own storage device to keep memory free.
  4. I will not use an electronic device(s) to engage in academic dishonesty.

Being Respectful with an Electronic Device

  1. I will only utilize an electronic device(s) in a manner that promotes positive, kind, respectful and courteous interactions or communication between teachers, students, parents, members of our community, and during supervised school activities.
  2. I will use good judgment when using the camera and microphone. I will not use them to take inappropriate, illicit, embarrassing, or sexually explicit photos, videos, or recordings. I understand that use of my camera in a bathroom or locker room is strictly prohibited.
  3. I will make no attempt to harm or destroy hardware, software, or data of another user, the Internet, or any other network.
  4. I understand that each electronic device I use is subject to inspection at any time without notice as described in the LCSD Electronic Device Policy.

Student conduct is being monitored and evaluated by district staff, which includes, but is not limited to: administrators, teachers, coaches, chaperones, and bus drivers. All the aforementioned staff can make recommendations regarding whether or not a user has violated these district expectations. The failure of any user to follow these expectations may result in that userʼs privileges being denied, revoked, or suspended at any time. In the event of disciplinary action, completion of all classwork remains the responsibility of the student.



(To be turned in prior to receiving a device at the Get Connected Day event.)

Parents and students should read through the attached packet together and each sign this form.
Parent or Guardian:
As the parent or guardian of  
I have read, understand, and agree with the stipulations of the Logan City School District Electronic Device Policy, Electronic Device Responsible Use Agreement, and any other documents included herein.
I understand that:
  • As part of instructional practice, students will have access to electronic devices while at school.
  • Filters will be installed on all district electronic devices and Internet usage will be filtered while on the school premises.
  • Internet usage will be monitored for all electronic devices logged onto the district network while on school premises, this includes personal devices logged onto the network.
  • I understand that the presence and use of a personal electronic device on campus, and any loss or damage are my responsibility as a parent. I also understand that personal electronic devices, not using the school network, are not filtered.
Parent or Guardian's Name (please print)   Parent or Guardian's Signature   Date
Parent or Guardian's Name (please print)   Parent or Guardian's Signature   Date
  • I will follow school rules, directions from school staff, and district policies and procedures when I am using an electronic device at MLMS.
  • I understand that violating these rules, policies, and procedures through electronic device misuse may result in disciplinary actions as explained in the MLMS Student/Parent Handbook and district policies.
Parent or Guardian's Name (please print)   Parent or Guardian's Signature   Date

All use of electronic devices shall be consistent with the goals of the Logan City School District in promoting educational excellence. This Responsible Use Agreement describes the expectations for Mount Logan Middle School (MLMS) students for all use of electronic devices on campus, district provided or privately own. Along with this Responsible Use Agreement, student and parents should also be familiar with the Electronic Device Policy adopted by the Logan City School District Board of Education. The Electronic Device Policy may be accessed on the school district website at

Being Responsible with an Electronic Device

  1. I will always supervise electronic device(s) I am allowed to use, and when I am not using a laptop or other mobile device, it will be stored in a secure locking and charging cart in the classroom or lab.
  2. I will use care when carrying electronic devices because I understand they are vulnerable to damage if dropped, thrown, smashed, crushed etc.
  3. I will not apply any permanent marks, decorations, or modifications to an electronic device provided by MLMS.
  4. I will keep any/all identifying barcodes on all electronic device(s).
  5. I will only use the electronic device or workstation assigned to me, unless directed otherwise by a teacher or other staff member.
  6. I will report any damage or malfunction immediately. I will not attempt to repair an electronic device or gain access to the internal electronics.
  7. I will report the loss or theft of an electronic device immediately.
  8. I will not expose an electronic device to water (liquid) or excessive heat (like a hot window) or other environment that can damage the battery or electronics.
  9. I understand that if I can identify a security problem on my electronic device, I will show the device to my teacher and not demonstrate the problem to other users.
  10. I will keep my account and password confidential.
  11. I will not use another individual's account. I will only use accounts set up by the school district and my own, personal account(s).
  12. I will follow school rules for electronic devices even if I am using a personal device.
  13. I will not use an electronic device(s) to access, submit, post, publish, or display any defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, racially offensive, harassing, or illegal material.

Being Safe with an Electronic Device

  1. I will only access student-safe and educationally appropriate applications or websites as instructed in my electronic device use training.
  2. I will only connect with groups, online forums and wikis, blogs, webpages, subject area experts, other schools, etc. after getting permission from parents and teachers and while being supervised by them.
  3. Even with filters in place, my parent or guardian will monitor my use of an electronic device outside of the school environment in order to protect me from potentially dangerous or inappropriate content.
  4. I will follow the policies of the Logan City School District, the guidelines outlined by my school and classroom teachers, and this Responsible Use Agreement at all times.

Being Productive with an Electronic Device

  1. I will make sure electronic devices are put away correctly so they are fully charged and ready to use the next day.
  2. During instructional time I will only access and utilize applications or websites to which I am directed or instructed either by my teacher or as required by my assignments.
  3. I will preserve memory on electronic devices so all users can download, access, and create any educational applications or files required by my teachers. I will use the server storage provided by the school district or bring my own storage device to keep memory free.
  4. I will not use an electronic device(s) to engage in academic dishonesty.

Being Respectful with an Electronic Device

  1. I will only utilize an electronic device(s) in a manner that promotes positive, kind, respectful and courteous interactions or communication between teachers, students, parents, members of our community, and during supervised school activities.
  2. I will use good judgment when using the camera and microphone. I will not use them to take inappropriate, illicit, embarrassing, or sexually explicit photos, videos, or recordings. I understand that use of my camera in a bathroom or locker room is strictly prohibited.
  3. I will make no attempt to harm or destroy hardware, software, or data of another user, the Internet, or any other network.
  4. I understand that each electronic device I use is subject to inspection at any time without notice as described in the LCSD Electronic Device Policy.

Student conduct is being monitored and evaluated by district staff, which includes, but is not limited to: administrators, teachers, coaches, chaperones, and bus drivers. All the aforementioned staff can make recommendations regarding whether or not a user has violated these district expectations. The failure of any user to follow these expectations may result in that userʼs privileges being denied, revoked, or suspended at any time. In the event of disciplinary action, completion of all classwork remains the responsibility of the student.



(To be turned in prior to receiving a device at the Get Connected Day event.)

Parents and students should read through the attached packet together and each sign this form.
Parent or Guardian:
As the parent or guardian of  
I have read, understand, and agree with the stipulations of the Logan City School District Electronic Device Policy, Electronic Device Responsible Use Agreement, and any other documents included herein.
I understand that:
  • As part of instructional practice, students will have access to electronic devices while at school.
  • Filters will be installed on all district electronic devices and Internet usage will be filtered while on the school premises.
  • Internet usage will be monitored for all electronic devices logged onto the district network while on school premises, this includes personal devices logged onto the network.
  • I understand that the presence and use of a personal electronic device on campus, and any loss or damage are my responsibility as a parent. I also understand that personal electronic devices, not using the school network, are not filtered.
Parent or Guardian's Name (please print)   Parent or Guardian's Signature   Date
Parent or Guardian's Name (please print)   Parent or Guardian's Signature   Date
  • I will follow school rules, directions from school staff, and district policies and procedures when I am using an electronic device at MLMS.
  • I understand that violating these rules, policies, and procedures through electronic device misuse may result in disciplinary actions as explained in the MLMS Student/Parent Handbook and district policies.
Parent or Guardian's Name (please print)   Parent or Guardian's Signature   Date