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Mount Logan Middle School

Proud Members of #TEAMLogan

9/16/2024 MIN

Community Council 9/16/2024

  • Discussed RISE data from the 23-24 school year and comparison with similar schools. Between ELA, Math, and Science our schools fall in the middle.
  • We’ve reached out to Bennion and Union, who are scoring higher than us but have similar demographics, to see how we can improve. 
  • Mean Growth Percentile: Acceptable growth sits around the 40th percentile. ELA sits at 47, Math at 41, Science at 44. Bennion is above us, Union is a little lower. Centennial is a good school to track due to their mean growth percentile as well as their proficiency scores. It was explained how the growth percentile helps us to see the growth even if they don’t become proficient. 
  • Student Proficiency on RISE: We performed slightly lower than the state average. Our limited English proficiency rates are very low this year. Limited English Proficiency students would be a good group to focus on to help with RISE testing. 
  • RISE report card: Participation in RISE testing at 94.1%: Our rating from the state is “typical.” Growth is in the “commendable” range. English learner progress, we are rated “critical need.”
  • John explained why we don’t do the 10 day absences drop: we lose their information because we no longer claim them so we can’t follow-up with them.
  • 80% are receiving an overall 3 or 4 GPA, 77% have not had significant office referral behavior, 40% have NOT been flagged as critical or on caution for being at risk.
  • Discussed the difference in proficient grades vs. proficient RISE scores and the need for more rigor in classrooms.
  • Discussed absenteeism statistics. 41.7% are chronically absent. 
  • Actions from the Data: Focus on ELA, Math. CKLA and IXL assessments. Etc. 
  • Elections and Responsibilities: 2 more parents than school employees on the committee. Data needed to use the money to implement improvements. John discussed all the criteria for elections and such.
    •  Melissa Dahle is good to remain as chair, though we need to readdress Sheli as the Vice Chair since we haven’t seen her.
    • FIND THE LIST that parents signed up for community council on back to school night.
    • John will email the parents on the list.
    • Meetings on the first Mondays of the month? When are meetings?
    • Parents want to plan on the first Mondays of the month for future meetings.