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11/4/2024 MIN

Mt. Logan Middle Schools
Community Council Agenda
November 4, 2024

Melissa Dahle (Chair) Sarah Turley (Teacher)
Sheli Field (Vice Chair) Spencer Holmgren (Principal)
Karlee Fryer  
Amy Kleiner  
Jessica Shumway  


  • School Social Worker Introduction
    • Kate Cobb - School social worker. She has been observing schoolwide practices in tier 1 & 2 and do one-on-one. Her goal is to help us deal with behavioral issues both with the kids and teachers.
    • Kate comes from Logan River Academy. Her goal is to keep students here within public school. She helps students learn techniques to manage behaviors within the classroom (coping skills, teacher training, etc.)
    • Spencer mentioned that girls use the wellness room less and we’ve had more of those fights this year. Kate helps us to see these trends.
  • Budget Update
    • Total available funds: 232,255.53
    • Planned expenditures:
      • Parent Liaison, salaries and benefits for .5 math in all grades. ($70,000)
      • Reading, ELL coach, ELL teacher ($123,341)
      • Total: $208,043
      • Remaining: $24,212.53
    • One idea for funds includes IXL. We have switched to IXL for this year. It breaks scores down so it works well as a diagnostic tool as opposed to STAR testing. We could also use remaining funds for teachers to apply for grants. It could also be used for instructional support (aides etc.)
    • *Movement to approve an ELL aide with remaining funds. Will post and look until January and then reassess where the funds should go if need be.
  • Digital Citizenship
    • Students and teachers use technology within the classroom but our goal is to make sure they are safe online. We have tech classes and CCA classes where students are taught smart online practices. We use multiple programs for security (Content Keeper, SOPHOS, JAMF,  GoGuardian, Active Directory)

    • Discussed GoGuardian’s benefits. Discussed using AI responsibly and teaching students how to do so.

    • Discussed phone policies: Allowed to use between classes and at lunch but during class time even seeing it, it will get confiscated.

      • Looking into the earbuds vs. headphones.

  • Questions/Concerns
    • Officially first Monday of the month unless holidays or breaks interfere at 3:45.

    • Question Regarding the Parent Liaison: Aspire School Attendance report has remained around 87% each year (‘21 86.72% ‘22 85.82% ‘23 86.57% and ‘24 87%)

  • Safe Routes
    • UDOT doesn’t have our map. Spencer will follow up with them.

Next Meeting: Monday, December 9, 2024 @ 3:45pm