Following Logan City School District policy, Mount Logan Middle School is implementing a new personal electronic device use policy. This policy permits students to use their personal electronic devices before and after school, during passing times and during lunch.
Students found violating district electronic device policy, MLMS Responsible Use Policy or the MLMS Personal Electronic Device Use Policy may lose their electronic equipment privileges and may have personal electronic devices confiscated and delivered to the office. If a student's device is confiscated for misuse, it will be returned to student after an administrator has been able to visit with student and/or parent. Repeated violations may lead to loss of personal electronic devise use at MLMS.
Please note, MLMS does not require personal electronic devices to be brought on campus by students for instructional purposes. When on campus, a student’s personal electronic device is the sole responsibility of the student. MLMS will not be held responsible or liable for damage, loss or theft of a personal electronic device. We, therefore, encourage parents/guardians to discuss with their students whether or not they permit electronic devices to be brought to school. Should a parent/guardian elect for their child to bring any electronic device to school, we request that parents/guardians review the rules for which their child may bring and use such electronic device found in this document and the MLMS Responsible Use Agreement found on the MLMS website.