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Mount Logan Middle School

Proud Members of #TEAMLogan

Citizenship Grading

Citizenship Grade

MLMS Classroom Citizenship Grade



Needs Improvement


Be Responsible
I attend.
I am in the classroom, in my seat and ready to learn when the bell rings.
I complete my assignments on time.
I do my share of an assignment or task when collaborating.
I follow the classroom and Peak expectations and procedures.

Be Respectful
I treat others with courtesy and respect.
I follow the classroom directions and expectations without being reminded.
I have a positive attitude.
I solve problems without causing other problems for self and others.
I treat classroom equipment and property with respect.

Be Safe
I report and avoid unsafe situations.
I resolve problems with others without a conflict.
I use school and personal technology and equipment appropriately.
I use language and behavior that contribute to a safe environment.
I follow classroom safety guidelines and procedures.