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12/7/2023 MIN

Mt. Logan Middle Schools
Community Council Minutes
December 7, 2023


  • School Mission
    • Went over the school mission statement.
  • Budget Update
    • Budget Update. All positions are filled: ELL Teacher, Academy Teachers, Math teacher and Parent Liaison. We have remaining $20,000. Still looking for a school psychologist.
  • Additional Budget Proposal
    • We went over behavior data and Wellness Room from the last couple of months.
    • We went over the data received from the teachers about what they want to use the remaining budget for.
    • Principal Holmgren suggested that Love and Logic be used because of some of the data received from the staff and teachers.
    • The money would be used to train admin and three teachers, one from each grade level. ($900 per trainee).
    • The vote will be taken via email or later on.
  • Safe Routes to School Discussion
    • Email will go out to parents with a survey asking if there are any areas in the school boundaries that need some safety improvements.
  • Public Input
    • Awesome opportunity for kids to attend “It’s a Wonderful Life” on USU campus.
    • Look into having more support for accelerated learners.
  • Next Steps
    • We will start working on the School Improvement Plan in January. We will look at where the money is going and what would be best to help students to be proficient in the essential learning areas.