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Mount Logan Middle School

Proud Members of #TEAMLogan

3/9/2023 MIN

Mt. Logan Middle Schools
Community Council Agenda
March 9, 2023

SarahAnn Delaney (Chair) Sheli Field
Elizabeth Blanchard (Vice Chair) Debbie Brough
Martha Garrity (Secretary) Spencer Holmgren (Principal)
Melanie Pond Becky Kendall (Teacher)
Melissa Dahle Shandra Floyd (Teacher)
Sara Doutré Melissa LaMalfa


  • MLMS Mission
  • Review and Approve February Minutes (Vote)
    • Not a full quorum at the meeting so we decided to vote on minutes via email.
  • Budget Update
  • School Improvement Plan 23-24 Discussion
    • Proposed Plan Summary: 91% of our students will master essential learnings as measured by team-developed CFA’s for each content area.
      • Again, we compared ourselves to Union Middle School as they are the school most like us. Melissa LaMalfa asked if it would be better for us to lower the expectation like Union has to 70% showing proficiency instead of 80% showing proficiency. Overall Answer: not exactly sure. Currently we have had an average of 79% students over the last 5 years that have been at 90% proficiency. We’d rather keep the rigor and push the students.
      • Elizabeth asked if teachers would possibly like more time at the end of the day, similar to the elementary schools (i.e. 30 extra minutes to collaborate with their team). Wondering if that is something we could spend our funds on.
      • We would like to add the option to add a 1.0 Math FTE to help make math class sizes smaller if there are extra funds.
    • Principal Holmgren left with a good summary of what we would like to spend the funds on and will get some feedback from teachers. SIP needs to be approved by the end of March. We will cast a vote via email.
  • Public Input-none
  • Next Steps
    • Vote on minutes from February through email
  • Call to Adjourn

Next Meeting: Thursday, April 13, 2023 @ 3:45pm