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2/9/2023 MIN

Mt. Logan Middle Schools
Community Council Minutes
February 9, 2023

SarahAnn Delaney (Chair) Sheli Field
Elizabeth Blanchard (Vice Chair) Debbie Brough
Martha Garrity (Secretary) Spencer Holmgren (Principal)
Melanie Pond Becky Kendall (Teacher)
Melissa Dahle Shandra Floyd (Teacher)
Sara Doutré Melissa LaMalfa


  • MLMS Mission
  • Review and Approve December and January Minutes (Vote)
    • (Update 2/10/2023- Council member Melanie Pond motioned to approve minutes with the change of the January date from 2022 to 2023. Elizabeth Blanchard was the 2nd to approve that motion, and other members also approved.)
  • Budget Update
  • Goal ideas for future SIP
    • Feb 17 th will be a data day which will give us more current and accurate data
    • Looked specifically at Union Middle school’s SIP plan for the ’23-’24 school year and discussed what we are looking for with mastery of state standards on their CFA’s. Their goal was for 65% of students (to increase from 59%) to demonstrate mastery.
    • Maintain the SIP Goal as written
      • Make adjustments to supports
        • Pretest more!
        • Keep parent Liasion
        • 1 attendance mentor
        • .5 math academy, 2.0 ESL, .5 lit academy=$135,000
        • PD faculty consultant for ELL=$40,000
  • Decided how to proceed with teacher of the year nominations
  • Public Input
  • Next Steps
    • Vote on minutes of the past two months through email
    • Vote on minutes of the past two months through email
  • Call to adjourn by SaraAnn 2nd - Elizabeth

Next Meeting: Thursday, March 9, 2023 @ 3:45pm