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1/12/2023 MIN

Mt. Logan Middle Schools
Community Council Minutes
January 12, 2023

SarahAnn Delaney (Chair) Sheli Field
Elizabeth Blanchard (Vice Chair) Debbie Brough
Martha Garrity (Secretary) Spencer Holmgren (Principal)
Melanie Pond Becky Kendall (Teacher)
Melissa Dahle Shandra Floyd (Teacher)
Sara Doutré Melissa LaMalfa


  • Accolades
    • Two of the students involved in the school musical, Oklahoma, featured on KVNU radio show “For the People”
    • Terri Jackson inducted into the Ref Hall of Fame!
    • MLMS on the National Forum “Schools to Watch” list for academic excellence, developmental responsiveness, social equity, and organizational processes- even after 6 admin changes we’ve still maintained that status which is amazing!
  • MLMS Mission
  • Review and Approve October-December Minutes (Vote)
    • Not enough people were here to approve so we will review and vote on approval in the February mtg
  • Academic Needs Review
    • 26% are ELL’s, -2% are homeless, -%11 with disabilities
    • Teacher experience: 67% 7+ years of experience Retention is 66%
    • Rise test scores had a 3.8% increase in Math/1.2% ELA/2% Science
    • Comparisons to state and district scores- overall MLMS scores are very comparable
    • ELA, Math and Science scores by group- economically disadvantaged group performed the best, then those w. disabilities, then ELL’s
    • Attendance at MLMS is a bit lower than district and State averages and is a concern nationwide
      • Wellness rooms and now an attendance liaison are helping with attendance concerns
        • Comparable schools- ELA- 6/21 Math 8/21 Science 12/21 (Info from ESBE Data Gateway) Union middle school in Canyons district would be a good school improvement plan to look at
        • In all academic grades given for term 1- 16% of the student population received a 0-1 grade
        • Citizenship grades- 23% received an N or U
        • Over the last 4 years the amount of scores on CFA’s has increased across all subject areas
  • Budget Update
    • This will be addressed when Spencer is back
  • Unused Funds Proposal
    • Wait for Spencer
  • Goal Ideas For Future
    • Looked up Union Middle Schools SIP to compare and found they had a lot of similarities however it would also be beneficial to look up their specific CFA’s they use in each subject.
      • What can be done to lower the disparity between the CFS’s and the RISE test
      • Focus on oral language strategies
      • Are CFS’s still what we want to measure?
      • Measuring growth through STAR exams
      • Do we need to add or change the CFA’s
  • Public Input
  • Next Steps
    • Decide on a goal by the end of next mtg so we can have it turned into the district by March
  • Call to adjourn- Martha 2nd - Becky
  • Adjourned at 5:05pm

Next Meeting: Thursday, February 9, 2023 @ 3:45pm