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11/10/2022 AG

Mt. Logan Middle Schools
Community Council Agenda
November 10, 2022

SarahAnn Delaney (Chair) Sheli Field
Elizabeth Blanchard (Vice Chair) Debbie Brough
Martha Garrity (Secretary) Spencer Holmgren (Principal)
Melanie Pond Becky Kendall (Teacher)
Melissa Dahle Shandra Floyd (Teacher)
Sara Doutré Melissa LaMalfa


  • MLMS Mission
  • Review and Approve October Minutes (Vote)
  • Budget Update
  • Hiring Update
  • State wide ELL data WIDA and RISE
  • Safe Routes to School review and input
  • Public Input
  • Next Steps

Next Meeting: Thursday, December 8, 2022 @ 3:45pm