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Mount Logan Middle School

Proud Members of #TEAMLogan

10/6/2022 MIN

Mt. Logan Middle Schools
Community Council Mintues
October 6, 2022


Attendees: Community Members- Melanie Pond, Melissa Dahle, SarahAnn Delaney (Chair), Elizabeth Blanchard (Vice-Chair), Martha Garrity (Secretary), School Staff- Spencer Holmgren, Shandra Floyd, Becky Kendall, Scott Wright.


Review bylaws and purpose of Community council. $200,000 of school land trust funds.
*Please invite more parents to attend these meetings!!


Spencer- Fire Alarms- Two new alarms were put in over the summer and have been causing electrical problems. Students and faculty were able to successfully evacuate after each alarm.

Covid Safety Plan- This is found on the District’s web page under Resources. Info such as where to be tested, vaccinated, etc. Cases of Covid will be updated on that web page. Protocols are followed once they have tested positive.


Policy is found on the MLMS website. Kids are considered at risk if they have missed 4-5 days of school. After 8 absences they will show up on a list that staff and administrators will discuss.
Valid vs invalid excuses for absences. Parents have 5 days to excuse an absence.

Citizenship grades are effected if students are not in the class and engaged.

Student check-out policy: Parents must check out parents in person if possible and over the phone in rare cases.

Parents need to communicate to teachers/staff for extended absences for vacations etc. ahead of time is very beneficial!

Review of 2022-2023 School Improvement Plan

Can be found on the state website.

Overall goal is that 91% of our students will master essential learning skills by the end of the year.

Expenditures- Almost all money will go to personnel such as an ELL teacher, literacy and math teachers, parent liaison, and two student attendance mentors. The attendance mentor job is in the process of having a job study completed by the district so has not been posted.

The student attendance mentor will work approximately 5.5hrs/day 5 days/week. Start and end times can be flexible.

Data Review

Essential standards tested. Discussion about the scores. Many of the standards had a 91% or higher.

STAR data- Reading has a somewhat low achievement and growth. Math had a higher achievement and growth rate.

Scores compared to State average- MLMS is on par with many scores with some being above, or slightly below the state average, however our ELL’s are consistently underscoring.

MLMS has 310 ELL’s. 52 are meeting with staff for services because they are 1’s and 2’s on the ELL scale.

Language targets are already set up in every class and we need to build that. This will help with not only the ELL’s but also ANY struggling readers and writers. 1162 total students.


Will we continue on with our current plan, or make some kind of change. Come with ideas of SOMETHING that could be done to improve our students learning and achievement. One idea could be finding a replacement of the STAR test that could give teachers better indicators.

Meeting Adjourned at approx. 4:50pm

Next Meeting

Nov 10th 3:45pm in the Library


Spencer- Find out the scores of ELL’s for the State of Utah
All- See Goals/Assignments above