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Mount Logan Middle School

Proud Members of #TEAMLogan

4/14/2022 AG

Mt. Logan Middle Schools
Community Council Agenda
April 14, 2022

Minutes Item Owner
1 Welcome SarahAnn Delaney
4 Review and Approve Minutes Elizabeth Blanchard
  School Safety If Needed
2 Training: Review Robert's Rules for discussion SarahAnn Delaney
15 Review revised Plan and suggestions made by the school board Paul Wagner
12 Discuss and Vote on a Finalized School Improvement Plan

This is a list of items that money can be spent on if the original plan does not work out.

11 Election

In May the only agenda item is to hold elections. According to our bylaws we do not need to hold elections unless we have more than 20 parents.

The Chair and Assistant Chair are two year positions. So SarahAnn Delaney and Elizabeth Blanchard have one more year.

Sara Doutre will not be able to continue as secretary. So we will need to hold elections for a secretary. If you would to do this or know someone who would be a good fit please

5 Public Comment  
  Adjourn Principal Wagner