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3/10/2022 MIN

Mt. Logan Middle Schools
Community Council Minutes
March 10, 2022

Membership and Attendance
SarahAnn Delancy, Chair   Karlee Fryer X
Elizabeth Blanchard, Vice Chair X Martha Garrity  
Sara Doutre, Secretary   Rayann Hansen X
Paugl Wagner, Principal X Emily Jim  
Debbie Brough X Becky Kendall X
Lannis Christesnsen   Melissa LaMalfa  
Shelley Christensen   Julie Needham  
Melissa Dahle X Melanie Pond X
Sheli Field X Michelle Selui  
Shandra Floyd X    


Vote to approve February minutes

  • Melanie Pond motioned
  • Martha Garrity 2nd
  • All in favor

Breif Discussion:

Chair (SarahAnn Delaney not present) Reviewed Robert’s Rules of Order, Elizabeth Blanchard, Vice Chair

Plan Presentation:

Elizabeth Blanchard read through rough draft of 2022-23 Improvement Plan, as sent out by Principal Wagner in an email. Principal Wagner showed updated numbers. Review slides

Discussion followed

Debbie Brough brought to the council’s attention that we were specific priorities in Feb meeting about ELL instruction and math instruction, wanting to make sure amendments to the rough draft reflected those priorities

Motions to amend the Plan:

Remove line item 1 from Section1 (part time Instructional Coach) based on the teacher leader feedback as the lowest priority and that we Remove $47,000 from Expenditures

  • Melanie Pond motions
  • Debbie 2nd
  • Aye- 8
  • Abstained- 2
  • Nay- 1
  • motion passed


Paul Wagner made a motion to eliminate the attendance mentor specialist positions and reduce the parent liaison hours to 4 hours a day, to decrease the budget costs. No second

Discussion: Questions about attendance and correlation with those with failing grades. See Slide

  • Martha Garrity Motion to amend Section 2 Expenditrues Student Attendance Mentor Specialist to 4hour/ day position to reduce the budget
  • Karlee Fryer 2nd
  • All in favor
  • Debbie Brough motioned to amend the measurement in section 1 for goal to disaggregate for ELL students and add STAR Reading and STAR Math as a measurement tool.
  • Karlee Fryer 2nd
  • All in favor

2022-2023 School Improvement Plan

  • Melanie Pond made a motion to approve
  • All in favor

Discussion on Alternative Expenditure items:

Items mentioned were Chromebooks, teacher grants, and instructional coach, but this will be tabled until the next meeting.

Melanie Pond made a motion to thank the administration and teachers for their input because we parents need input for the best plan.

Minutes were approved with the following amendment for the FEB 2022 council meeting: Amendment: Karlee Fryer was present, but Becky Kendall was not present at the FEB meeting.

Meeting Adjourned