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Mount Logan Middle School

Proud Members of #TEAMLogan

10/7/2021 MIN

Mt. Logan Middle Schools
Community Council Minutes
October 10, 2021

Minutes Item Owner
2 Welcome and Introductions
MLMS Mission: Ensure all students leave our schools ready to create a positive future for themselves and their community.
SarahAnn Delaney
3 Review and Approve Minutes
  • Recommended edit to the September minutes – record membership and attendance on meeting minutes.
  • Motion to approve minutes with recommended edit of adding membership and attendance: Becky Kendall; Second: Debbie Brough; Unanimous vote to approve minutes with recommended edit.
Sarah Doutre
7 Community Council Training (Health and Safetly for Councils)
Video of Paula Plant from USBE on the importance of SCCs reviewing safety plans, positive behavior and intervention support plans required for each school, and other plans. Important for the council to engage and provide feedback to the school.
8 School Safety
Reviewed incident that recently occurred at MLMS where an MLMS student stole a car, took a short drive, and crashed and left the car in the parking lot. Because he entered the building after, the response was initially a hall check and then moved into full lockdown. The incident happened to occur while the school administration was at the district office, but all of the= systems in place
What is the prcedure for notifying parents?
  • Parents are notified as soon as possible through the district office
Principal Wagner
7 Review FY21 Plan
2021-22 plan is available
Click HERE to view.
Principal Wagner
5 Review FY22 Timeline for School Improvement Plan
Detailed plan from the state can be found at: Click HERE to view.

Principal Guymon presented the timeline to prepare the School Improvement Plan to be final by March 10 th for the school board to review. Over the next five months we’ll be working to review data and create the 2021-23 plan and budget.

Reviewed proficiency data for 2019-20 on teacher-rated proficiencies on essential learnings.
Principal Wagner
23 Break Out Groups to Review Data and Brainstorm Ideas
Small groups reviewed data with the instructions to review data, look for specific items to address and what we might be able to do to address them. Reviewed data packets that included RISE data, essential learning proficiency data, and data specifically for English learners. Also reviewed data on the effectiveness of coaching (data slides included below).

Group Report-Out:
Tabel 1- discussed actionable items
  • Evaluate how re-teach on Wednesdays are going and if it is working, how do we expand it. Re-teach Wednesdays are an opportunity for reviewing, reteach, makeup, enrichment.
  • Teams are expected to do targetedintervention on Wednesdays and teach new material the other 4 days of the week. Divided up into completing work, intervention, and enrichment to differentiate among needs.
  • We should also evaluate whether attendance is going down.
  • One of the key ways to improve test scores is to target the mid-performing students rather than

Table 3 -
  • How do we help the group that is really low get caught up and not just stay below
  • Question – what is the overlap in EL and economically disadvantaged?
  • How much support do parents have working with EL students and to differentiate supports?
  • What can we do

Table 4 -
  • Why is there such a discrepancy between how we’re doing on the learning standards and the RISE assessments – why are the scores on the learning standards so much higher?
  • When those don’t align, teachers are asked to consider rigor, retention, alignment, and transference
  • Do we need to consider test-taking skills? Study skills?
  • Had previously focused on Avid and focused note-taking.
  • Consider standards-based reports for students and parents as well as for teachers – using the learning standards

Table 2-
  • English Learners went up on the WIDA
  • Would like more information on the data shared about coaching being more effective than other PD. Principal Wagner will share those data with the council.

Assignment – take the data home, review them and continue thinking about what we can do to improve.

SarahAnn Delaney
5 Community Concerns  
SarahAnn Delaney motioned to adjourn, Melanie Pond seconded, adjourned at 5:00 pm.
Principal Wagner

Next Meeting: November 11, 2021 @ 3:45pm